Yuki Nakata

Ph.D. student at OS and System Software Lab., Graduate School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate.
Researcher at Research and Development Group, Resarch Center, SAKURA internet Inc.


I'm a first-year Ph.D student at the Graduate School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate. My advisors are Prof. Hiroshi Inamura and Prof. Katsuya Matsubara. In addition, I'm working full-time on research and development at Research Center, SAKURA internet Inc. Our company provides cloud computing, GPU-based high-performance computing environments, and data centers for the Japanese government, corporations, and private customers.

My Research interests are mainly system software for cloud-computing, Edge-computing, and distributed computing, such as Operating Systems, Virtualization, Software Defined Networking, and Programming Language Runtime. My graduation thesis topic was "A Robust and Light-weight Isolation for Containers with Assists of Hardware Virtualization Technology". My master thesis topic was "Concentrated Network Isolation for Containerized Cloud Services".

I'm currently interested in WebAssembly (Wasm) for architecture-independent software execution runtime of the Edge-to-Cloud continuum. My research topic for my Ph.D. course and our company is architecture, runtime, and execution method(e.g., Just-In-Time, Ahead-Of-Time, and Interpreter) neutral Live-migration of Wasm VM.

I 💖 software technologiesđŸ‘šâ€đŸ’» and snowboarding🏂. I live in Sapporo, Hokkaido for snowboarding and JAPOW(Japan Powder-snow).

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Selected Publications

  1. Peer-reviewed Poster
    Feasibility of Runtime-Neutral Wasm Instrumentation for Edge-Cloud Workload Handover
    Yuki Nakata, and Katsuya Matsubara
    In The Ninth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) , Rome, Italy, Dec 2024
  2. Peer-reviewed
    Reducing Attack Surface with Container Transplantation for Lightweight Sandboxing
    Yuki Nakata, Shintaro Suzuki, and Katsuya Matsubara
    In Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys ’23) , Seoul, Republic of Korea, Dec 2023
  3. Peer-reviewed
    Concentrated Isolation for Container Networks Toward Application-aware Sandbox Tailoring
    Yuki Nakata, Katsuya Matsubara, and Ryosuke Matsumoto
    In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC ’21) , Leicester, United Kingdom, Dec 2021